Westside-Tower Frankfurt

Image source: Pixabay

New construction of a high-rise residential building

Location: Frankfurt a.M.

Client: Revitalis Erste Grundstücksgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

Gross floor area: 34.600 m²

Total construction costs: 58,0 million €

Costs technical building services: 11,0 million €

Realisation period : 2013-2015  

Service: CG 410 - Wastewater, water and gas systems, CG 420 - Heat supply systems, CG 430 - Room air systems, CG 440 - HV current systems, CG 450 - Telecommunications and information technology systems, CG 470 - Usage-specific systems


HOAI service phases: SP 5 , SP 6 , SP 8

Description: In the Europaviertel, around 244 high-quality rental apartments were built on 22 floors, along with a daycare center and a small retail unit on the first floor, as well as an underground parking garage with 206 parking spaces in line with the energy-efficient KfW 60 standard.