Office building in Berlin (planning stages of service phases 3-5)

Image source: decon D.E.-C. GmbH

Office building in Berlin

Location: -

Client: -

Gross floor area: 4.300 m²

Total construction costs: -

Costs technical building services: -

Realisation period : -  

Service: CG 410 - Wastewater, water and gas systems, CG 420 - Heat supply systems, CG 430 - Room air systems, CG 440 - HV current systems, CG 450 - Telecommunications and information technology systems, CG 460 - Conveyor systems, CG 470 - Usage-specific systems, CG 480 - Building and system automation


HOAI service phases: SP 3 , SP 4 , SP 5

Description: Creation of the trade-related 3D partial models of the system groups sanitary/heating, RLT/cooling, ELT and conveyor technology according to the planning depth up to service phase 5.